Condens 7000F Gas Condensing Boiler (Cascade Pair) - bim

Condens 7000F Gas Condensing Boiler (Cascade Pair)

Gepubliceerd door Bertrand BEUDOT van ITH -Instituto Tecnológico Hotelero op 2-9-2019

Fabrikant : Bosch Termotecnia

Higher fuel efficiency, lower environmental impact and exemplary economy - the condensing boiler Condens 7000 F offers you a new level of efficiency in condensing technology. Suitable for multi-family...

Higher fuel efficiency, lower environmental impact and exemplary economy - the condensing boiler Condens 7000 F offers you a new level of efficiency in condensing technology. Suitable for multi-family homes and commercial properties, they are the ideal solution for large projects from 75 to 600 kW.

Meer bekijken Verkleinen
caldera condensación hvac, climatizacion mep ventilacion
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