Mini Canal - bim

Mini Canal

Publicado por Archi Spirit el 26/04/2017

Fabricante : JAGA

Catálogo Radiateurs

Perfect for providing heat alongside glazed facades, the Mini Canal is discreet and convenient – especially as it is delivered fully-assembled and ready to fit. The heater is extremely versatile, with...

Perfect for providing heat alongside glazed facades, the Mini Canal is discreet and convenient – especially as it is delivered fully-assembled and ready to fit. The heater is extremely versatile, with its varying depth, size and multiple grille material options. Hidden under the grille is an ultra-fast Low-H2O element – which means the Mini Canal saves energy costs while remaining highly responsive to temperature changes. The Mini Canal can also be used with heat pumps.

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cvc cvca heater heating heating system hvac radiateur radiator
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