Going back to the office was not enough. We wanted to spend time together!


We stopped having Teams meetings during the Boost days. We wanted a break. After 15 months of close-ups of our colleagues’ faces, we wanted an American shot, or better still, a good overall shot “a la Alfonso Cuarón”. Except for our colleagues in Lisbon, for whom we prepared a great set-up to make it look like they were there.  With two days to go before the boost days Lisbon was in lockdown again.*

Working with the team was amazing, as I work from Barcelona. All the exchanges we had, and of course the teambuilding time: bowling, rugby, dancing! After a year and a half at home without parties, it was perfect!” – Miguel, Solution Engineer

…But reconnecting differently!

After our January Boost days online, we finally met in person! Dinners at home, ping-pong in the rain, pre-lunch football and especially our joyful faces around the kitchen table in the morning to enjoy our coffee, were an opportunity to get to know all the people who had arrived during this past year and whom we had only seen behind a screen.

Bringing meaning

The culture workshop, the hackathon and our special guest helped us to share a common vision. 

The culture workshop was pretty amazing because you can feel that everyone is focused on goodwill, and wants to put in place rituals that increase productivity. I feel a lot closer to the team after meeting them in person, we all took time to talk together, there are affinities that were created, and you could discover the person beyond the screen: because today it’s no longer at the office but online! it made me really happy, I didn’t think I had missed it that much.” – Thibaut, Account Executive

From ephemeral to continuous

We launched a hackathon to work on our new offer which will be released in September. The idea was to have one person from each team in different squads. Everyone could choose which part of the project to work on and move it forward. It was an opportunity to exchange with other teams and to get to know them from another angle. On the same theme, everyone brought a different point of view, which was very enriching.Muriel,  Spain Country Manager  

After this boost week, we launched the “boost continuity” because we saw how much progress the squads had made, thanks to the transversality and complementarity of skills. We are therefore going to meet every two weeks in squads for a whole day without interruption to boost each project of the new offer and take advantage of this particular energy of the hackathon.  

After these three days of emulation and transmission, Bastien, solution engineer, remembers that sharing is essential, and that despite subjects on which not everyone has the same opinion (and so much the better), we must not put them aside. As for Thibaut, he now knows what to expect for the next semester, and is looking forward to the next boost! 

And so are we!

Check out our Boost days AfterMovie right here! ? 

*All participants in the boost week either did a PCR test before or were vaccinated.