Pool System S9 Prestige - bim

Pool System S9 Prestige

Pubblicato da Marga Nadal da BIMETRICAL il 17/01/2018

Produttore : ROSA GRES

Pool with system S9 Prestige. The S9 Prestige is a constructive system designed by Rosa Gres to make it easier to incorporate overflow pools into private residencies. The S9 Prestige consists in a pr...

Pool with system S9 Prestige. The S9 Prestige is a constructive system designed by Rosa Gres to make it easier to incorporate overflow pools into private residencies. The S9 Prestige consists in a prefabricated crown made of waterproof concrete blocks.Each piece works as a channel and supports the ceramic. You will find the textures and the user manual in the "documents" section.

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piscine pool rosa_gres s9 sistema_prestige
  • Informazioni
  • Foto 0
  • Modelli 3D 0
  • Modelli 2D 0
  • Documentazione 5
  • Proprietà & Varianti 0
  • Classificazioni 4
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