VX2400-ESCAPE - bim


Publié par Bastien Jean le 21/06/2021

Fabricant : HQ MAG

The Vortex Escape (VX2400-Escape) is born from the desire to include the management of emergency exits in a new paradigm. It consists of developing a universal solution, simple and affordable, in resp...

The Vortex Escape (VX2400-Escape) is born from the desire to include the management of emergency exits in a new paradigm. It consists of developing a universal solution, simple and affordable, in response to conflicts between the safety of people and the security of property regarding evacuation routes.

En voir plus Réduire
acces access_control apertura cerradura cerradura_electromagnetica cierre closing control_de_acceso controle electroaimant electromagnet fire incendie incendio lock locking maglock magnet opening securite security seguridad ventouse verrou verrouillage
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