Sliding door Rolmatic (XOOX) - bim

Sliding door Rolmatic (XOOX)

Veröffentlicht von Muriel Bourgeay am 09.12.2016

Hersteller: KLEIN Architectural Interior Systems


Rolmatic-XOOX. A synchronized feature is applied for the doors to slide simultaneously along the side-lites. Integrating the sliding door and fixed side-lite glass panels within the same track enhanc...

Rolmatic-XOOX. A synchronized feature is applied for the doors to slide simultaneously along the side-lites. Integrating the sliding door and fixed side-lite glass panels within the same track enhances aesthetics and ease of installation. The system is available in clear anodized aluminium finish. No floor track is required at the passageway. An overlap of 50mm between the fixed and the sliding panels will be applied. Warning: A ratio of maximum 1/3 must be kept for the width/height of the door in order to guarantee a good sliding movement. Door maximum weight up to 90 Kg. All glass dimensions must be checked with KLEIN mounting instructions. Visit our Website to check the feasibility of the installation (

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bureaux carpintería distribución door glass office oficina porte
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  • Klassifzierungen 5
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