Mortise electromagnet - HQMAG 215-1 - bim

Mortise electromagnet - HQMAG 215-1

Veröffentlicht von Bastien Jean am 02.05.2019

Hersteller: HQ MAG

Katalog Encastrée / A mortaiser

Special range for escape doors (Grade 3+ / ≲ 3 000N). With the same dimensions than the HQMAG 1 and IGEM 2 magnets, the HQMAG 215-1 is compliant with the DAS NF S61 937 and prEN 13 637 norms, and work...

Special range for escape doors (Grade 3+ / ≲ 3 000N). With the same dimensions than the HQMAG 1 and IGEM 2 magnets, the HQMAG 215-1 is compliant with the DAS NF S61 937 and prEN 13 637 norms, and works at 24/48 V DC.

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acces access_control apertura cerradura cerradura_electromagnetica cierre closing control_de_acceso controle electroaimant electromagnet fire incendie incendio lock locking maglock magnet opening securite security seguridad ventouse verrou verrouillage
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  • Klassifzierungen 4
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