Electromagnetic Lock - HQMAG 3500

Pubblicato da Bastien Jean il 12/04/2019

Produttore : HQ MAG

The HQMAG 3500 (Grade 3+ / ≲ 3 000N) is part of the new generation electromagnet equipped with a patented “long – range” Mega-LED. It can be installed by itself or with the L bracket (AMLB 4) or Z bra ...

The HQMAG 3500 (Grade 3+ / ≲ 3 000N) is part of the new generation electromagnet equipped with a patented “long – range” Mega-LED. It can be installed by itself or with the L bracket (AMLB 4) or Z bracket (AMZB 4-LP).

Leggi più Ridurre
acces access_control apertura cerradura cerradura_electromagnetica cierre closing control_de_acceso controle electroaimant electromagnet fire incendie incendio lock locking maglock magnet opening securite security seguridad ventouse verrou verrouillage

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  • Modelli 3D 0
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  • Documentazione 9
  • Proprietà & Varianti 0
  • Classificazioni 4
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