Software VIPAWS_1.0 - bim

Software VIPAWS_1.0

Pubblicato da Archi Spirit il 17/08/2017

Produttore : ASL

Catalogo Softwares & Routers

Stand-alone PC based Touchscreen GUI, which provides both control and monitoring of an ASL PAVA system. Simple and intuitive to use for both live and pre-recorded announcements, triggered from buttons...

Stand-alone PC based Touchscreen GUI, which provides both control and monitoring of an ASL PAVA system. Simple and intuitive to use for both live and pre-recorded announcements, triggered from buttons or from a 2D graphical screen VIPA-WS, and also provides comprehensive background music control and an advanced message scheduler.

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  • Modelli 3D 0
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  • Proprietà & Varianti 0
  • Classificazioni 4
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