Is the centralised team ideal for large companies?

The centralised team model benefits from the time and expertise of a core object design team dedicated solely to managing the BIM library.

To learn more about creating a BIM object library team, download the full white paper “What kind of team to manage your BIM library?” !

The object library team can include BIM Modellers and BIM Data Managers. With more time to manage the library, the information they create and distribute to all of the BIM library users is of better quality. As a Group BIM Director, Department Manager, Design Office Manager or General Manager, you can therefore ensure the success of your BIM projects.

What kind of team to manage your BIM library?

To learn all you need to create a BIM object library team, download the complete white paper, don’t hesitate to download the full white paper “What kind of team to manage your BIM library?”.

The centralised team model, for which company structure?

In contrast to the solitary team model, this centralised model allows for a better distribution of responsibilities, and thus avoids the need for one person to manage the various requests and decisions alone. This model is therefore ideal for larger companies with more users of the BIM library. However, the more BIM library managers there are, the more challenging it can become to communicate between themselves. Also, it isn’t always clear to the BIM library users who to contact when they need help.

The centralised team doesn’t suit your needs? The BIM&CO team has developed three other models just for you! Discover the federated team here.

What kind of team to manage your BIM library?

To find out about the other advantages and disadvantages of the centralised team model, go ahead and download the full white paper “How to create a BIM object library team?”.